One of our Feminine Mysteries is... our Heart!
January 5, 2025

One of our Feminine Mysteries is...

... our Heart! Our spiritual heart is the center of our being, where we find and discover ourselves and where our true Self resides. The spiritual Heart is mystery and its beyond the usual shallow feelings of 'I am', which are related more to our individuality, to our ego. ❤️

Our spiritual Heart is the place in our being where we experience Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Grace, Beauty, Aspiration, Pure Eros and all the other gifts which God is bestowing upon us through His immense Generosity.

 'Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.' Rumi  

Listening to our Hearts can be puzzling in the beginning. 'What if i don't hear anything?' you might ask. Have patience and curiosity,

She is gentle and playful and in all kind of surprising ways which is inviting us to discover. If we find it hard to center our attention in the chest area we need to contemplate about why is that.

Maybe we need to forgive and to let go of the tensions and conflicts which are burdening us down. Our Heart is the perfect mirror of all that is happening in our being. She reflects all our tendencies and most important our erotic amorous potential. The center of our femininity, our yoni, is reflected in our Heart as the future paradisiacal garden that will blossom through Love and Pure Eros.

🌺Discover the flowers of you Heart

Every good, loving, beautiful, kind, action we do blossoms another flower in our Heart's paradisiacal garden, manifesting the unique qualities which we are endowed with. Its a fascinating journey of beauty and love which opens up more and more towards our femininity, our potential, our mystery.

Another beautiful way to connect with our nature's Heart is to spend time in nature and let yourself enchanted by all its gifts. ❤️

There's much to learn about Nature, let it reflect in your Heart, she will lead you in harmony, love and beauty in your own body.

Great geniuses of our planet where inspired by Nature in creating most beautiful masterpieces in Arts and Music. Let Nature create in your Heart and find yourself. All this reflects in our sensuality as a sun that brings life and light. A pure Heart will be able to deeply experience the ecstatic states of orgasms awakened by the struck of Eros!  🥰

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