Tantric love making – an opportunity for self discovery and transformation
July 27, 2020

Tantra describes lovemaking as the path of privileged evolution. Love making which is full of love and tenderness fills and nourishes our soul; it can become an opportunity for self-discovery and transformation. Through lovemaking we can fix the relationship with ourselves, we can “recreate and renovate our being”. Often, however, due to the accelerated pace of life we just forget to stop, relax, take a break and look within ourselves to find out why we make love and what makes us happy indeed.

We suggest the following 7 reasons to make love and to achieve sexual continence (the perfect control over the sexual energy). Taking into account these recommendations and applying them, you will discover the unexpected flavour of love and life. These reasons can also help you to intensify the intimacy within the couple and relive the magical state of being in love.

1. Through tantric lovemaking we can achieve a state of perfect health

Numerous researches and studies have demonstrated the beneficial impact of lovemaking on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. By making love with continence we can obtain a perfect health felt in all organ systems: naturally regenerates blood, develops respiratory muscles, purify lymphatic system, facilitates digestion, strengthens the immune system, strengthens muscles, improves sleep, deeply balances thyroid, harmoniously stimulates adrenals, moisturizes the skin, regulates the menstrual cycle. Lovemaking with continence is the best method of contraception as it is perfectly natural. In other words, making love with love and continence several times per week, maintains our body, mind and soul in a good condition.

2 . What can be more beautiful and charming than fully feeling the life energy?

We can feel this energy full of effervescence and dynamism especially when we are at peace with ourselves, happy and in love. Making love with sexual continence is the most simple and effective way to fully feel, awaken and amplify the energy of life in our being. Thus, every idea we can think, every step we take, every word we utter becomes impregnated with life, joy and pleasure, and this makes us very attractive, bright and charismatic.

3. Generates a state of inner fulfillment and stability

With rare exceptions, most often we know just some facts about our beloved. In order to be able to help each other the two lovers need to have confidence in each other. Lovemaking with sexual continence is a mysterious empathic mirroring. If we are attentive enough to what our lover communicates to us, we will gradually succeed to make a clearer and fuller image about our beloved. As a result of this fact a very deep sense of fulfillment and inner stability will appear.

4. Brings a magic breath into our lives

An intimate meeting with our lover is a space for creativity and it can bring a magic breath into our lives. Being detached of complicated mind activities in which we are often caught, being open, playful, spontaneous, abandoned in the stream of exaltation and happiness of each other we can live magical states of love. Managing to abandon ourselves during lovemaking with sexual continence being full of curiosity and inspiration we will always have new and fulfilling deep experiences, which looks like we enter a new and fascinating world. This “new” world will be full of synchronicities that will always remind us about the miracle of love.

5. Discover and experience joy and happiness

By making love with sexual continence we can discover and experience a huge joy and happiness, which are opposite to the feeling of uncertainty and despair. Intense and lasting joy is a deserved reward of lovemaking plays full of love, commitment and sexual continence. The intense happiness is a state that shows the achievement of a condition of balance and emotional fulfillment. The states of joy and happiness are “attracted” in our being when we make love with tenderness, delicacy, purity, and understanding. An important aspect is the wise use of all our inner resources that are at our disposal.

6. Gain the authentic inner freedom

The authentic inner freedom can be described in various ways, but the value of this personal treasure is recognized, understood and appreciated only by those who actually live it. The first step to true inner freedom is to identify and then sincerely express all the fears. Once we have discussed the fears that we have, we will be able to immediately feel a state of relief and courage, we will be able to feel that those fears have lost their chaining and painful power that they had on our being.

Inner freedom is experienced in the absence of fears when the constant dialogue with our heart is kept and when we act according to our soul. Only our desire to let our fears go forever can deeply open our soul, which will inevitably attract love and happiness and freedom.

The state of freedom felt by the two lovers while making love with sexual continence brings another precious “gift”, which is the discovery of inner space of our soul that will become more and more all-encompassing. The state of freedom amplifies the love that will make true miracles, so we will become masters of our own destiny that will be perfectly integrated into the harmony of the Whole.

7. We can discover and live the sacred relationship and the reality of our own soul by being open and enthusiastic to discover all that is good and beautiful in our beloved.

Due to a large and overwhelming love between the two lovers, the lovemaking becomes a deep prayer. Thus, we realise that the relationship becomes a jewel of our life that uplifts us. We experience the so-called Unity and we achieve the ideal of love through devotion and commitment to each other. We have the feeling that God holds us in His Arms.

Photo credit to Ines Honfi

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