The full-body orgasm
August 31, 2021

Sexuality is an area of a great interest for everybody. Many people would attest that orgasm is the singular happiest and most wonderful state of being in the human experience. Yet usually we hear people speaking only about the singular orgasm, localised at the genital level, which is often experienced as short and unfulfilling.

Your being is capable of so much more! Full-body orgasm is a beatific experience of pleasure without limits that can be maintained for more or less time, depending on the erotic and sensual awakening of each woman.

Full-body orgasms are so intense that you can’t even tell when one is over and the next is starting. The waves of pleasure that you experience come one after another with increasing intensity.

After studying orgasm for 22 years, Hartman and Fithian concluded that men and women can have localised orgasms but also expanded and continuous orgasms which can be felt in the entire body.

Fully enjoy your erotic energy

In the energy orgasm we can feel, even without direct erotic stimulation, a wave of intense, erotic energy at a point of origin (this could be a chakra, or the base of the spine) that then travels up and ‘through’ the rest of the body.

It’s immediately followed by another orgasm which can be even more intense or more profound than the previous. In this case the orgasmic state includes every cell of the body and lasts for a longer period of time. If you amplify and fully enjoy your erotic energy by practicing erotic continence (the perfect control over the erotic energy), you have every chance of experiencing the full-body energy orgasm.

Women on top in erotic pleasure

When it comes to orgasm the most important thing is to relax and take it slowly. Enjoy every sensation, every moment of pleasure and delight. You deserve all the pleasure in the world because you deserve to be happy.  

Maybe you were told as a child that sexual pleasure was wrong or shameful. Remember all those moments and ideas that you still have inside your mind, and which stop you from freely manifesting your sexuality.

Aim to become aware of all of these prejudices, inhibitions and sexual blockages that you have accepted without realising, because at the time you didn’t know how to avoid them. Aim to gently let go of all of them as they are blocking and limiting you from fully manifesting yourself on a erotic level.

Furthermore, as many of these blockages are held at a subconscious level and passed down through unconscious parenting (or even subtly and non-verbally) from generation to generation, by releasing yourself from these repressive chains you will also be releasing your daughters.

After you have convinced yourself and felt with your whole being that you fully deserve to be happy, make sure you have enough time to make love in a leisurely way. Forget about your problems, forget about the world and stay in intimacy with your lover in the delicious space of your love.

Women need time to reach orgasm; in the Tantric tradition foreplay should last for at least 45 minutes, with almost all of this time focused on the woman’s pleasure.

In order to reach the total energy orgasm you need to connect yourself to love. Only by loving you can expand to infinity. If it is only carnal sex then it’s possible to experience only localised sensations at the genital level. To go from sex to erotic ecstasy you need to jump on the trampoline of unconditional love.

Now that you’ve opened your heart, the time has come to learn how to expand the pleasure in to your entire body. Help yourself by breathing. While you make love, start to breathe consciously. With every breath see yourself expand more and more. You expand and embrace more and more in your consciousness until you embrace the whole body and then your beloved.

If you continue in this way you can have exceptional extrasensory experiences because you can include in your awareness even planets and universes. The pleasure that you feel is refined, bright and discrete. This intensity can be higher or lower depending on your vital energy and your capacity of awakening the profound eroticism of your being.

Erotic ecstasy is accessible

People say that there are no frigid women. This is a great truth. Every healthy woman can reach the peaks of her own eroticism. If she chooses to experience more than just sex and heads to a sacred erotic dimension, if she relaxes and connects herself to the feminine universal energies she can obtain great orgasmic heights and sacred erotic ecstasy.

Relax. Enjoy love. Celebrate your femininity and give up your fears and inhibitions. Love and do what you want! You will feel that the orgasms that you start to experience become a river full of energy that invades the universe. It’s the energy of life that you feel in every cell. The blessing of the divine presence reveals itself to you now as being HERE and NOW permanently quiet and mysterious.

From sex to superconsciousness. This road of sacred eros will lead you to the land of infinite possibilities.

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