Why are men so attracted by fascinating women
April 20, 2020
Laura Mosor

Have you noticed that some women never lack admirers? Have you ever wondered why some women though dressed very sexy fail to attract men? You are amazed by how some women succeed to attract men’s attention when entering the room, regardless of how they are dressed – elegant, sexy, sport or a very simple outfit?

What does a man want from a woman?
As you have already presumed, men want a woman who in their view is attractive, beautiful, sexy, exciting, funny and who can enchant by her presence. Men want a woman who can be respected and who is “fitting their soul”. They want a woman to be able to talk with about anything.
But most of all they want a woman who has confidence in herself and who suggests by her entire being and behaviour: “I know who I am, and now you can discover me.” This is the secret that gives a particular charm to any woman and makes her irresistible.

Is there a man who could resist such a woman? Even if a man will not be interested in her as his possible lover, he would like to know who she is, what she does, where she goes, what she likes. Why? Because when she enters the room, she catches all the attention. While she speaks, people around her turn to listen, and enjoy every word she speaks. Regardless of how she looks, you are helpless and fascinated by her presence. She disarms you with her charm and her inner beauty overwhelms you.

How does she make the man feel?
Not only does she make him feel truly a man, but she makes him feel happy for being a man and makes him feel the man who he always wanted to be. How does she succeed to make such miracles? This irresistible woman knows exactly what her boyfriend wants. She respects him and makes him feel appreciated. She loves him and she never misses the opportunity to tell him and show him her love.

She appreciates her lover and all he does for her. She says that she appreciates him and shows it to him through her kindness, affection and consideration.

She believes her lover is sexy and attractive and shows it to him through sincere compliments and her intense desire for him. She trusts her lover and supports him every day. In other words she appreciates her boyfriend and treats him in such a way that he feels her appreciation.

You also can succeed
If you want to know how such a woman makes her lover feel, imagine that you are this man, who is fulfilled and delighted by his girlfriend. Imagine how you’d feel if you were him. Basically you as a woman you also want your boyfriend to make you feel very happy and satisfied. It’s natural for him to want that from you.

Be attentive and discover what would make your lover feel: happy, appreciated, fulfilled, respected, and loved. You can become irresistible if you learn how to behave with your lover in the way he dreams. The man you love will be delighted by your transformation and will show it to you … and then you will be very happy that you have chosen to do so!

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